Sunday 5 January 2014

New Year Optimism

Well it's the new year, 2014! A time of optimism and a time of new beginnings! Guess what? In Wales it is raining, not just raining, but raining in Biblical proportions! It is cold and the wind is rattling the rafters. The days are grey and dark at midday and yet we are told that we should be making resolutions for a healthier, more fulfilling life! Who is selling us this lie? 

Surely, our instincts are telling us to carb up! Cwtch up warm and stay in doors in our pjs! At this very moment our central heating is on, candles are burning and. I and lying on the sofa with a hot water bottle under my bottom. 

I have a terrible guilty feeling, shouldn't I be donning my waterproofs, lacing up my    New trendy nikes and going for a winters run! Everything I read tells me to exercise, tells me to eat salads and to drink litres of   Water! I just want beans on toast, hot milky drinks and to veg out on my sofa! 

Maybe I should revert to baking, my usual comfort blanket. But it seems my creativity and motivation has gone! Long gone with all the Christmas festivities! Not  only do I not want to eat salad, but rich cakes and gooey desserts don't appeal either! Christmas overload of cream and pastries has made me loath sweet smells!  

And so I sit here, actually sitting requires too much energy, I slouch here watching crap on TV hoping that this sloath like state will pass! I'm sure it will, but I the meantime Im going to wallow in a state of inertia! Remember evolution tells us to hibernate at this time of year! No running, it's bad for your knees, no salad, the bagged stuff has been drenched in chlorine! Instead my pjs are comforting and the only thing getting me through this miserable time of year x