Tuesday, 13 March 2012

My Alan Icing Sugar (sorry- bad pun) moments....

Well we have been busy talking up The Happy Cupcake Kitchen

After visiting a business advisor we have some serious decisions to make - do we bake for a living or bake in our spare time!!

How many Cupcakes have I gotta sell to make enough enough money to support myself? Put simply the answer is LOADS!!!!! Not just a lot but LOADS!!!! So we have been doing a cash flow forecast - check them out with this link!!! BORING Actually, jokes aside, they are not boring, but very interesting and vital if I am to test out my business ideas!

The other consideration is Cupcakes themselves! There are soooooo many ameteur bakers all wanting a piece of the cake action! The market is competitive, if not saturated, so how do I set myself apart? Our cakes are the best in Wales, they are yummy and look awesome - but how do I get that across to potential customers!?

The other consideration is whether, Cupcakes, as cute as they are, have longevity!? Is this just a passing phase in a fickle designer market - how do we adapt and change to the market demands!?

There are so many things to consider - so I am going to ask you? Our Market?

1. Do we bake for a living?
2.Will cupcakes survive into the future?
3. What else do we do to prove that we are the best cake maker in Wales?

Any marketers out there then please share you expertise?



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